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  • mm/dd/yyyy
  • * Required fields.
  • Password must contain 6 to 15 characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ and $), including a Minimum of 1 lower case letter, 1 upper case letter and 1 number.
  • Username, First Name and Last Name must be 3 to 25 characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -) long and must start and end with a letter or number.
  • Please be sure to check your spam folder if you do not receive the registration confrimation email within a few minutes.
  • Your name, postal code and birth date may be used during the password reset proccess.
  • If your account is not automatically approved that means its under review by a Game Master. This process should take no longer than 48 hours.